Re-store, Re-member, Re-connect with your body's wisdom, intuition, and personal agency...all the things that can be easy to forget.​
Creative tarot sessions are a special blend of yoga nidra ("yogic sleep" inviting us into a heart led, nourishing state of awareness and freedom), sound bathing and creative energy that comes through the tarot cards.
You'll walk away with insight from the energy that came through the magic of yoga nidra, the insightful power of tarot cards and creative arisings that come through with sound and vibration.
What You’ll Take From the Session
Together in collaboration, we will weave an embodied invitation for important arisings and awakenings to your inner guidance and what is needed for your deepest longings to come to life.
Sessions can take place in person or virtually and will be discussed before or after booking.
So, "Ruthann"...what in the world is an creative tarot session?
1 hr
189 US dollars